Sage Group, a company specializing in accounting and financial tech for businesses, temporarily disabled its...
The challenges with the four day week
Peter Cosgrove joined Newstalk to discuss some of the challenges when looking to implement a 4 day working...
Will Employers push back against remote working?
Peter Cosgrove, Managing Director of Futurewise, joined Pat Kenny on Newstalk to discuss the ongoing "war"...
Employees are moving back to the office
Peter Cosgrove MD of Futurewise was speaking to Pat Kenny on Newstalk about recent Dublin Chamber findings...
Will your organisation consider hiring older workers?
Peter Cosgrove joined Ireland AM to discuss the rising level of older workers returning to the workforce and...
Is the “four day” week here to stay?
Peter Cosgrove joined Margaret Cox from the ICE group on Today Fm to talk about her successes with the four...
The Great Unretirement – pensioners returning to work
A new phenomenon is upon us as the CSO highlighted that pensioners are joining the workforce at the fastest...
Will A.I. be conducting my interview instead of a person?
Peter Cosgrove joined Matt Cooper on the Last Word Today FM to talk about the rising use of artificial...
How to disconnect from work when on holidays
With a hybrid working life, the huge flexibility has added extra complications with creating boundaries...
Is Diversity working in the workplace?
With Bambi Thug representing Ireland at Eurovision, RTE Business decided to look more broadly at the...
Why employees feel they are underpaid
Peter Cosgrove, Managing Director of Futurewise discussed pay and inflation on the last Word with Zara King...
Employees will forgo a payrise for more remote work options
Peter Cosgrove, MD of Futurewise spoke on Newstalk about the ongoing differing views of employers and...
The Big Tech Show Podcast: Facebook turns 20
On The Big Tech Show, Adrian Weckler chats to managing director of Futurewise, Peter Cosgrove, on the...
The right to disconnect is a challenge in practice
Legislation on the right to disconnect is coming in for Australian workers and while it is a guideline...
How to motivate your employees without money
In a work research study conducted by Dan Ariely, participants were asked to find pairs of identical letters...
Only one in five Irish people have “good” jobs
A recent UCD Working in Ireland Survey (WIIS), highlighted that only one in five workers have good jobs....
Are we teaching our kids resilience?
Peter Cosgrove MD of Futurewise Spoke on RTE's "The Business show" on the topic of resilience, here is the...
An A.I. tool invented to stop you having to attend meetings
A ChatGPT-style AI assistant, developed by Microsoft called CoPilot is now available which summarises...
The race back to the office, is hybrid work suffering?
Peter Cosgrove, MD of Futurewise spoke to Claire Byrne on RTE about the expectations of employers on the...
Tik Tok using new app to track their employees
Peter Cosgrove MD Futurewise, was interviewed by Newstalk o give his reaction on the challenges for...
9 reasons to help CEOs fix their hybrid working “problem”
Many CEOs still see hybrid working as a problem that they may be able to fix. They get great joy from other...
Why are employers forcing employees back to the office?
Many of the large companies are now ordering their staff back to the office, Meta, Amazon and even (cue the...
Is the job for life a thing of the past?
Peter Cosgrove spoke with Newstalk breakfast about the new research by Lockton people solutions highlighting...
Do smokers take too many breaks?
Peter Cosgrove MD of Futurewise joined Pat Kenny to discuss the issue of smokers and the unauthorised breaks...
What are some of the unintended consequences of remote working
We have all seen pictures of people walking while on their phone and hitting lampposts or walking straight...
Graduates experiencing skill deficits from working from home
Peter Cosgrove joined Matt Cooper on the Last Word, Today FM to discuss the challenges graduates are facing...
Is working from home making us ill?
Peter Cosgrove MD Futurewise spoke with Claire McKenna on Newstalk about the health and loneliness epidemic...
Do teachers need a bonus for working in the cities?
Peter Cosgrove, Managing Director of Futurewise, Simon Lewis, Principal, Carlow Educate Together speak about...
Will a Four Day week ever be a reality?
Peter Cosgrove joined Matt Cooper on the Last Word on TodayFm to discuss what he sees as the challenge's of...
Firing employees by email
Peter Cosgrove appeared on the Big Tech show podcast hosted by Adrian Weckler looking at whether we could be...
The benefits and risks of having a “work spouse”
Peter Cosgrove MD of Futurewise spoke with Sean Moncrieff on Newstalk on a recent study highlighting that...
Is the housing crisis stopping companies setting up in Ireland?
Peter Cosgrove MD Futurewise spoke with Claire Byrne on RTE alongside Sean Keyes (finance correspondent ...
Wall Street says no to remote working
Listen back to this clip from Newstalk radio, Peter Cosgrove joined Shane Coleman on Newstalk breakfast to...
Reasons to come back to the office…
There are many old school employers who don’t believe people are working unless they can see them and much...
What are the work trends for 2023?
With an uncertain economic environment in 2023, the workforce will be in for some turbulence as we have...
Office Perks – will these change in 2023?
Peter Cosgrove MD Futurewise, contributed to Newstalk's Hard Shoulder program alongside Niamh Maher on the...
Is a four-day week realistic for employers?
Peter Cosgrove MD of Futurewise joined Dr Orlagh Kelly, Assistant professor UCD on The Last Word Today Fm to...
Is remote work legislation going too far?
Peter Cosgrove MD Futurewise spoke on RTE Radio with Claire Byrne and Laura Bambrick on the new reality that...
The future of the Tech industry after recent layoffs
Tech giant meta has announced it will significantly decrease its staff in 2023. This follows similar news...
The Future of Work – Galway Science festival
Join us on Thursday 24th November in the University of Galway and hear Peter Cosgrove of Futurewise tell us...
Is remote work legislation necessary?
Peter Cosgrove, MD Futurewise spoke on Newstalk breakfast against the idea for the need for legislation...
Should workers get a pay premium for working in Dublin
With ongoing public sector pay talks and talk of a premium for workers in Dublin, Peter Cosgrove MD...
Remote workers do not want to go back to the office
Peter Cosgrove MD of Futurewise spoke on the Pat Kenny show on Newstalk about the ongoing tensions between...
Remote working tensions – employers and employees
The tensions between employers and employees only seem to be getting worse around the whole issue of working...
Do visible tattoos affect your chance of getting a job?
Peter Cosgrove was speaking on Newstalk breakfast about the effect a visible tattoo may have on interview...
Will inflationary rises see more people return to the office?
Peter Cosgrove. Managing Director – Futurewise spoke on the Newstalk about how rising energy and gas prices...
Finding your Dream job Interview with Newstalk
Peter Cosgrove. Managing Director – Futurewise spoke on the Newstalk expert slot with Pat Kenny about...
Employers struggling to make the switch to hybrid working
Peter Cosgrove, MD Futurewise spoke on the Pat Kenny show about the challenges employers are facing with...
Will Hybrid working work for all employees?
Peter Cosgrove joined Claire Byrne on RTE radio alongside Lorna Fitzpatrick to talk about the changing...
Is the 4 day work week a good idea?
Peter Cosgrove contributes to the Sage blog with his own thoughts on the four day week. Unlike many he is...
Results from the CSO Irish work survey
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) published the first of three publications on its results of the Personal...
Employees need to go back to the office
We need to realise that the next working year will be about experimentation, we are too early into this new...
When will we all return to the office?
Futurewise was featured on Newstalk radio with Pat Kenny where he focused on the challenges getting back to...
Podcast on the Future of Work with the I.M.I.
Peter presented to the I.M.I Council on the future trends affecting workplaces across the country and on the...
The Last Word – a new career for 2022
Matt Cooper interviewed Sinead English and Peter Cosgrove around topics such as: The Great Resignation,...
Podcast on the Future of Work in 2022
Peter Cosgrove, MD of Futurewise, chats to Declan about the future of work – how it is more than hybrid...
Planning a career for 2022 – Newstalk
2022 is all about looking at a new career, for many having being stuck in their home throughout the pandemic...
How passive aggressive are you being online?
Imagine my surprise when I was informed that a text message with a full stop at the end was rude, and not...
Newstalk interview: Is it an employee marketplace?
Never before have employees had so many options when it comes to work. Covid has allowed many organisations...
Are we closer than ever to being replaced by a machine?
Despite all the doomsday messages about job losses, only one job has been eliminated in the last 60 years...
Teens and Technology – RTE Business
In a week of the Facebook wihstleblower – this piece is on the concerns around technology and teens...
Will the return to the office be any fun?
A man and woman are out on a date and the man just keeps talking about himself for the entire lunch. By the...
The Return to the Office – Newstalk interview
Reasons to return to the office
We all have heard that companies have moved forward 10 years in 6 months with the adoption of remote working...
The end of the the 9 to 5 workday
Peter Cosgrove and Cary Cooper discuss the always on workforce...
The challenges with the move to flexible working
The Four Day Work Week – RTE Claire Byrne
An interview with Claire Byrne, Peter Cosgrove and Eoin McGee. .
Podcast Start up Nation – The Future of Work
Peter Cosgrove spoke on the Podcast Start up Nation on the Future workplace trends. Peter's 25 minute piece...
Have you decided to change career?
Peter Cosgrove interviewed on Newstalk with Pat Kenny about tips to help you change career....
Diversity – don’t believe everything you hear
It’s great to see diversity and inclusion top of many company agendas however it is also important to...
Will Artificial intelligence monitor remote workers?
An interview with Peter Cosgrove on Pat Kenny, Newstalk on the concerns over the role of artificial...
Getting our heads around returning to the workplace
The challenges companies face returning to the office
In 2012 the Expedia head of customer experience found that for every hundred customers who booked travel on...
Newstalk Radio – can employees be forced back to work?
Newstalk Radio – The Right to disconnect with Peter Cosgrove
The Future of Work
I spoke with Pat Kenny about what we can expect when are are able to go back to the office....
Newstalk: Is Ireland becoming a less attractive place to work
This is an interview I did with Newstalk Breakfast as Ireland has fallen down the world rankings as an...
The challenge with International Womens Day events
International Women’s Day events have really taken off over the last five years, while they have been there...
Remote working: What might the future of work look like for businesses?
This is an article I wrote on behalf of Sage business where I discuss the pros and cons of remote working...
Remote Work: How to stop working all the time
We are almost a year into remote work, while people were quite quick to get themselves a home monitor, maybe...
What will the future of work look like?
We are living through the biggest remote work experiment which has moved us forward ten years in three...
The Future of work: Meetings the Benihana way
For anyone who has eaten at Benihana, you will know that it’s a Japanese cuisine restaurant where a...
The future of work: Learning is no longer an option
In 1965 the most valuable company in the United States was AT&T, which had 750,000 employees. In...
The future may not be so bright for all remote workers
“When you invent the ship you also invent the shipwreck” This is a quote attributed to the philosopher Paul...
Will your employer want you back in the office, or back at all?
The first question was whether it was possible to work with no one in the office, and the answer seems to be...
How to come up with that one great idea…
With Go-to-meeting, Microsoft teams, Zoom and Skype you would think we would be covered but there is now a...
Pick up a book on world book day
It’s world book day today and it reminds me of this quote: “The thing about books are that they let you...
Will you lose your job to a more remote worker?
In 2017 an Icelandic landowner caught a French fisherman illegally poaching on his land, they got into a...
Remote working for four months – what!
Who would have thought that one of the biggest challenges with remote work was to stop going to the kitchen...
Five things to do to keep your office job
Welcome to the new world of working remotely. Many say that this is just the beginning and restrictions may...
5 ways to break your smartphone addiction
Are we all addicted to our technology – well definitely a lot more than we will admit. Tristan Harris...
International Women’s Day is for everyone
On March the 8th we celebrate International Women’s Day. Over the past five years the 30% club In Ireland...
The Future of Work – are you ready?
Introduction Change has never happened so fast and it will never happen this slow again, it’s a scary...
With mobile phones – is the day ever really over and what do employers expect?
Peter Cosgrove on Newstalk Breakfast - Taking a break from technology...
Interview with Ciara Kelly – Lunchtime Live July 9th 2018